Welcome to sheisheiwrites

Hey, I’m Shei Sanchez. I write poetry and creative nonfiction. I don’t profess it to be mind-blowing but I do profess my love for the written word, at least in increments. This isn’t my full time job but when I am on the page, I am fully in it. And I hope you are, too.

Ernest Hemingway said, “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed”. Thanks, Ernest. My pages have been soaking with blood. And miraculously, I manage to produce more to let onto new pages, some of which remain in draft. For me, there is everything to writing. The whole body and self go into it — if you’re willing to take that risk. I’m learning to become more of a risk-taker.

All photos by Shei Sanchez